So, I read other Stay at Home Dad (SAHD) blogs, and a chain of events lead me
hereAdmittedly I had never read Penelope Trunks blog before, so I can't comment on who she is as a person, but this particular post is praising a SAHD she's been corresponding with for his honesty as he relates the tale of his affair.
This guy's story seems disingenuous to me. For one, if you talk to a SAHD, it only takes a couple of moments before we start talking about the kids. Men are worse than women about this, because we tend to define ourselves by our jobs, and in this case, our job is the kids. (Yes, generalization here, but it's at least anecdotally accurate).
Now, I'm sure people out there have affairs, and that some stay at home men indulge in this behavior, but honestly, I don't even think about it. One, I love my wife and am completely satisfied and secure with her. Two, I left a job I really loved to stay with Katie, because she is so important to me. Why would I screw up not only my life and my wife's life, but also her life with something like that. I'm not self centered enough for that. (And I'm pretty self centered.)
But I guess, judging by Ms. Trunks post, I'm just not being honest. Actually, it makes me really angry. Women have been staying home since men started going off to work, and no one accuses them as a group of being weak willed philanderers. But apparently men cannot find enough worth in being house husbands to keep it in our pants. And, unless he admit that, Ms. trunks apparently thinks we are liars.
I'm proud of what I do as a dad. Katie is perpetually happy, which is my greatest life achievement. I find time for the gym more than ever. I'm a lousy house keeper, but I'm a really good cook. And, I keep up with my guitar, which also helps keep me happy.
I think the SAHD gig is a good one. Yeah, there are rough spots. I miss socializing with co-workers sometimes. But as far as self worth goes, there's plenty, and my daughter is amazing. I wouldn't trade it.
And now for a diaper change....