Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I want to see... hear... feel... DANG IT!

Apparently, my little girl is kicking like top rated NFL punter. The problem is, I wouldn't know. Apparently she isn't big enough to punt one into daddy's hand yet. I have to confess this is aggravating to the extreme. I want to feel her kick too! Trust me, I don't want to be pregnant, but I do wish there was a little more tactile response for dear old dad.

We even bought a First Sounds® Prenatal Heart Listener to hear the little walnut. Bupkis. I'm really looking forward to having my first interactions with the walnut. Even as my wife is starting to get really tired of being pregnant. I can understand that. But the up side is she is aware of our little girl all the time. It makes me a little jealous. Once I actually hear something, I'll write a full review of the First Sounds® device.


Kimberly said...

We had a "first sounds" and it worked really well, but I was a bit further along when I got it. It was cool for Ashley to hear her bother.
Miss you guys!

GODrums said...

We had one of those pieces of crap.....not once did Ethan do anything when Julie was pregnant.....he could have just been lazy.