Wednesday, December 17, 2008

7 Months Later....

My last post was for Katie's birthday, and this one comes a few days after she turned 19 months old. And, I apologize. And it's not that she hasn't been interesting in the last seven months, it's simply that I haven't been able to find the energy to post. She's walking. She's talking. She's running me ragged. She's three feet tall and 35 pounds (that's an "average" three you old, in case you didn't know). She can reach all the tables, all the door knobs, and most of the shelves in the house. She still spouts a lot of gibberish, but she'll say things like "Daddy? Where are you?". She exclaims "It's a Jahrap!" when she sees her favorite stuffed giraffe. When she sees me, she'll say "Hi da-da da-da!". When Harry comes in the room "It's a cat! Meow!". She currently imitates the Cookie Monster, saying "Cookie!" And pretending to chomp on something. And, when she's in a good mood, she'll count to 13.

She's terrified of Santa. I mean He really freaked her out, unlike the Easter Bunny who she thought was a giant stuffed animal. So, we didn't force her to sit on his lap. We were at an event at the Norco library, and Santa was super cool. He was friendly to her for about an hour, waving and tempting her with a candy cane. She finally warmed up to him enough we got a photo of her and Ann standing next to Santa.

We have her in Mommy (or Daddy) and me swimming lessons. Well, calling them "swimming" lessons might be premature. Perhaps "Introduction to Swimming Concepts". She loves the water. Holds her breath well. Enjoys splashing.

And... now you're caught up. I'll try to be a bit more diligent about posting in the future.

And now for a diaper change....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable...and that's a great picture!

I haven't been 7 months without blogging but I know how it can happen.

Micah, our littlest, just took his first steps (at ONLY 9 months...sheesh). I got a video on my blog: Not Texifornia, the other one:

(It's not his first steps, but some that came shortly after).