Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's a girl!!!! (Most likely)

Well, we just had the 20 week ultrasound and our extremely experienced tech thinks it's about a 95% probability it's a girl. I really just stared at the screen in awe as she squirmed around trying her best to confound and confuse the the ultrasound tech. Apparently my girl is already quite modest.

For a Dad, this period of time in the pregnancy is a lot of doing anything you can to bring anything approaching comfort to your wife. Nothing I felt up to blogging about. Making dinner and making the bed, fixing malt 'o' meal in the morning so she can take 3 bites and pronounce herself done. Trying to accommodate and ever changing and finicky appetite,
picking up things because she can't bend over.

Sometimes I just have to step back and say, "I have no idea how that feels. I need to be more understanding." I saw from the ultrasound the the Walnut is already quite large and very active. It must be very uncomfortable to be carrying that around all the time. Then, I get my wits back and get back into "husband of the year" mode.

I have pictures from the ultrasound I'll post as soon as I get around to scanning them.


Anonymous said...

Brian, remember when we used to talk about wanting a little girl someday? I guess God took note of those conversations and we both got our wish!


Brian Norwood said...

That's no fair. I was going to email you personally. Sorry you had to read about it on the blog.
Yes, my wife took great delight in me telling her of those days. Funny how I had given up on that ever happening, and now I'm smack in the middle of it.

Kimberly said...

That is SOOOOOOOOO Awesome. God is so awesome. You're so awesome. Ann is so awesome. I'm the product og a California Southern Baptist Youth group, so I can only say everything is "awesome". Have you picked a name? Trinity Ann Norwood sounds very pretty...or how 'bout "Lavender"...Lavender is good too. Girl names are just so much more fun than boys. Interesting boy names are too metro.
Love you guys! "AWESOME!"

GODrums said...

I feel your pain with the food thing.

Once, J wanted cereal at 3 a.m. and woke me up to tell me so. This was when we were in a tr-level townhome. Luckily the kitchen was on the second floor.

The way we knew she was preggers with monkey #4 was when, 2 days in a row, she wanted prime rib from Black Angus.

I don't get it, try to pick up on it as it comes, but never of my new favorite blogs.

Anonymous said...

I remember those days. You are right on target. My wife would have me buy boxes of popsicles, only to eat the lemon flavored ones and throw the rest away. :)

Tony said...

The following occured during K's pregnancies w/ Chase and AJ.

--once asked me to pull into a Denny's for lemonade. She ordered a carafe of the stuff. Downed the entire thing in one long drink.

--Sent me to the store for pickles. She ate the whole jar. Maybe not in a sitting, but it did not take long. Upon emptying the jar, she sat there thinking it over for a second, then picked up the jar, and drank the juice.

--Asked for olives. Same story as above. Drank the juice out of the jar.